European 2019 Oppo meetS: locations and dates! Normandy France (next week!) still has vacancies!

After a number of polls and some discussions on whatsapp we have decided to organize 2 further meets in 2019. Very soon in early August in France (Normandy coast) and in early November in Spain (island of Mallorca). Everyone is invited to join!

Illustration for article titled European 2019 Oppo meetS: locations and dates! Normandy France (next week!) still has vacancies!

What is an Oppomeet?

I can give you an explanation, but I think a description of our last meet is more effective. Look no further:



August 5th – 9th, Normandy, France.

With the unbearable heat of this summer, who’d want to go to Spain or Italy? Normandy shouldn’t be too crowded and the summer and its weather should provide a decent temperature in this period.

We’ll be able to enjoy the sights (Etretat cliffs …), roads (Normand Switzerland) and history (D-Day, Bayeux Tapestry …) in the fine company of the Oppopeople. You can get a very rough idea of what’s in for this trip there:


Costs should be comparable to the Vosges Oppomeet (20€ - 30€ / night at an AirBNB, 1,60€/L of gas, and meals between 5€ and 40€ depending if you want to eat sandwiches or prefer feeling fancy).



October 31st - November 3rd, Mallorca, Spain.

Mallorca, a Spanish island in the Mediterranean Sea, is a party island that is overcrowded in summer and all but empty in November. It has interesting roads, cheap hotels/rentals/flights (in November) and a nice climate. More info, here:


s described in that post, costs are projected to be mild assuming you can cheaply get to a major European airport.


It is, obviously, perfectly fine to add as many days as you wish to the scheduled days.

If you want to join Normandy, let us know ASAP as August is close. Mallorca is still a bit further away, but when you’re interested, let us know too.