Mallorca (Spain) Oppomeet registration, Oct/Nov 2019. Deadline!

After two europpomeet in 2019 and a poll, the time has come to find out who will join us on the island of Mallorca. And let us be honest, is this not the best location to watch the Brexit madness unfold?

Illustration for article titled Mallorca (Spain) Oppomeet registration, Oct/Nov 2019. Deadline!

What is an Oppomeet?

In Europe we do things a bit different. Due to the distances our meets tend to last a number of days. During the day we tend to combine interesting driving roads (like curvy mountain roads) with some activities. The evenings are meant for social activities. We tend to have about 6+ nationalities joining at the same time, from Hungary to the US, from Finland to France.


Traditionally most people drove to be able to join us. Here though, people will fly in and rent.

A recent example:


The Fall meet 2019 will take place on Mallorca. Where is Mallorca?

Mallorca is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, and belongs to Spain. Mallorca, a Spanish party island in the Mediterranean. Population: 850,000. Mallorca, driving paradise. A suitable place for a next Oppomeet. Off-season, when the tourists are gone and the hotels, car rental agencies and restaurants struggle to find customers. So prices are low. Yet, temperature is still okay. Think about 20° C (70 F) during the day.


For more details about driving on Mallorca, see:


For the geographical location, see this map:

Illustration for article titled Mallorca (Spain) Oppomeet registration, Oct/Nov 2019. Deadline!
Illustration for article titled Mallorca (Spain) Oppomeet registration, Oct/Nov 2019. Deadline!

This sounds expensive!

Nope. Well, it is more expensive than staying home, that is for sure. But given the overcapacity in flights, rentals and holiday homes/hotels, costs will be very low.

Illustration for article titled Mallorca (Spain) Oppomeet registration, Oct/Nov 2019. Deadline!

What will we do in Mallorca?

Drive. Drive the curvy roads through the mountain range. Besides driving, we will do some sightseeing, probably a little rally (not speed based) and some other activities. Culture, nature, food and drink.

Illustration for article titled Mallorca (Spain) Oppomeet registration, Oct/Nov 2019. Deadline!

When will this take place?

Activities will be planned from Thursday the 31st of October until Sunday the 3rd of November 2019. Some will arrive much earlier and/or leave much later.

Catedral de Santa María de Palma de Mallorca
Catedral de Santa María de Palma de Mallorca

Flights to Mallorca

Flights to Mallorca are available from most European airports, and tend to be cheap. I already booked my ticket, and paid €67 for a 2 way ticket (from Munich).


If you’re not in Europe, you could combine a visit to a random European city/region with an international airport.

Illustration for article titled Mallorca (Spain) Oppomeet registration, Oct/Nov 2019. Deadline!

Rental cars on Mallorca.

As mentioned, rental cars plentiful due to the summer tourists, but there is no demand in November. You might pay for insurance, but not much else. I booked a convertible with SCDW insurance for 5 days for a grand total of €130. If you shop around you can do this cheaper as well.

Illustration for article titled Mallorca (Spain) Oppomeet registration, Oct/Nov 2019. Deadline!

Total cost estimate:

* Flight: €100 (assuming you already are in Europe, including the UK)

* Rental: €130 (see above)

* Lodging: €20-30 a day, assuming you stay with the group. €125 total should be conservative.


* Food/drinks: €30 a day should be more than enough. Let’s say €125 total.

* Fuel: €20 a day? Probably less, as distances are short. Let’s call it €80 total.


Grand total: €560.

When you do this economically you should be able to spend considerably less.

This 6 bedroom, 11 bed home costs €200 a night in early November
This 6 bedroom, 11 bed home costs €200 a night in early November


There is no hard deadline if you simply want to join, but September 20th is the cutoff date that we start to look for places to stay. If you have not signed up by then, we cannot guarantee a spot. Don’t hesitate to contact us after the 20th though, there might still be some space. Or simply book something yourself.

Illustration for article titled Mallorca (Spain) Oppomeet registration, Oct/Nov 2019. Deadline!


We will book a place to stay quit soon. To do so, we need to know the number of people. You can obviously book something just for yourself as well, but we still would like to know how many people will be there. That’s what this poll is for: