Since when have autos been outselling manuals?

Graphic: Manuél

I know the answer to that question for my native The Netherlands. It’s 2019. In 2014 manuals had a market share of roughly 75% among new cars. In 2019? 48%. This dramatic drop is said to be caused by multiple factors:

  • The dramatic increase of the market share of fully electric vehicles; <1% in 2014, 14% in 2019
  • Hybrids (7.5% market share in 2019)
  • CO2 emissions taxation, reducing the price difference and sometimes even making the slushbox cheaper
  • The elimination of the classic downsides of the automatic
  • The ‘only grandmas who can’t drive have an automatic’ stigma seems to be gone
  • Crossovers: 13% in 2014, 31% in 2019



Automatics: no clutch pedal. I know electrics don’t tend to have an automatic gearbox, but they most certainly don’t have a clutch.

Also interesting: The diesel market share was 27% in 2014, and only 7% in 2019.

That link just keeps on giving. Weight/height/width comparison of the last 30 years (top 50 best selling vehicles)

Blue is width in m, pink is height in m, green is empty weight in kg. I guess 2005 marked the start of emission based taxation...
Blue is width in m, pink is height in m, green is empty weight in kg. I guess 2005 marked the start of emission based taxation...
Graphic: ECMD/Bovag (Other)

(Blue is width in m, pink is height in m, green is empty weight in kg. I guess 2005 marked the start of emission based taxation...)


So, in which year started automatics outselling manuals in your country?