Ahmaud Arbery - RIP, this news hurts

Illustration for article titled Ahmaud Arbery - RIP, this news hurts

Seeing that video is so disturbing, and probably the worst content ever on Oppo to have a truck involved in.


I feel so sick, sad, and angry for that poor young man’s senseless death and the grief his family must be going through – and how horrible and unheard they must’ve felt this entire time until this broke the news this week (given that the murder happened in FEBRUARY). Nothing like needing clicks and likes to ensure justice.

As a POC in this country I have always felt uneasy about other peoples’ property and being perceived as I belong – say when going for a walk in my neighborhood I make sure I never, ever cross someone else’s property or appear like I might be snooping.


My (Caucasian) wife has always found this strange and silly – but hopefully this event is an example as to why many POC (I know I’m not alone here) feel this way. Perhaps in my case my paranoia is partially unwarranted – only because of the privileges I have in my life being a clean cut, relatively well spoken brown guy, living in a nice neighborhood, in a relatively forward thinking and accepting part of the country (and yes I’m very well aware of Oregon’s history).

For many people less fortunate, as if life wasn’t fucked up enough already right now, this tragic event is simply a reminder as to how fucked up it has always been, and that there’s absolutely nothing they can do about it.


Question - what was the guy who caught this all on film doing in the first place running his camera just driving down the road? Makes it seem like there’s even more to this story.