Sunday blog post: "The horror... the horror" edition

Illustration for article titled Sunday blog post: The horror... the horror edition

Pic unrelated. Had to remove the driver’s seat of the <$1,000 Hyundai in order to replace the seat belt buckle, and what was under there wan’t pretty and I didn’t have the stomach to clean it.


Other than that, had a good day at the junkyard, got after mentioned seat belt buckle (color matching!) for $10, and also nabbed a cigarette lighter, lugnut (one of the one’s on my car is stripped a little), and a little wooden cross to hang from the mirror I found in the junked car.

In the realm of ‘puters. I put an old hard drive in my home server (a $40 laptop with a core 2 duo lol) to get it working again. Not only is having a home server bitchin’ but the duo and 4 GB of RAM are more than enough for normal usage, not going above 10% utilization for either. Although last night I started to make a disk image of it to put on my external hard drive as a backup, and the poor thing’s still chugging along on it 😟

Illustration for article titled Sunday blog post: The horror... the horror edition

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