I can't be the only one who feels like every conspiracy theory is coming true

I guess I’ll start off with the media, one of the first red flags for, the inability for the mainstream press to call a riot a riot and insistantly using the phrase “peaceful protest” even when the lead image or video has multiple buildings burning in the background.


Now obviously I’m not saying it’s all riots and looting I understand 95% of it really is peaceful protests and you and 95% of the public is capable of understanding that as well. Yet they refuse to call a spade a spade, my biggest bone to pick is the phrase “peaceful protest” itself. It was a phrase I’d basically never heard before this, people in the media would just say “protest” because a protest is assumed to be peaceful. Even when shit was popping off in Egypt and Ukraine years ago, they were just reported as “protests” when they were in the peaceful stage because everyone knows a protest is typically peaceful. The incessant use of “peaceful protest” is running into someone in town, asking them what they’re up to and them responding “how just doing my mundane uninteresting errands!” if someone responded with that you’d be suspicious because that’s implied, why would they go out of their way to emphasize it?

Then there’s how far these protest spread. I’m not saying people around the world don’t have a right to be angry about what happened to George Floyd, but where these worldwide protests over that journalist in Saudi Arabia who got butchered, China having concentration camps or the protests in Hong Kong, the gas attacks and any other war crimes that were going on in Syria? None of that sparked worldwide protests like one guy getting killed in Minneapolis. The point again isn’t to diminish what happened to Floyd, but don’t you think it’s very suspicious that it’s called all this international outrage of all the shit that’s been going on in the world the past few years?


Not to mention there’s shit like this of potentially a Russian/Ukrainan agent participating supporting the Minneapolis riots.

Listen closely to the women at the 1:00 mark and how she talks the rest of the time.

And then there’s this story of a Ukrainian who’d apparently changed his name 3 times since coming to the US and got into a shootout with local law enforcement when they tried to pull him over for speeding.


Now I’m gonna kind of gloss over the next part, but wasn’t it strange how law enforcement and the national guard was handled during all of this? Mayors and Governors withdrawing them from entire sections of cities and the freakout of Trump being a fascist dictator over calling in the national guard and military for large scale protests in riots? I’m not saying there’s no critizism there, but there’s plenty of precedence for the use of National Guard and Active duty military for maintaining order in large riots. Again I’m not saying there’s no valid criticism, but the way journalists and government officals talked about it as if he’s just wanted to run over protestors with tanks was just absurd.


Lastly the BLM movement itself. First I’ll just start off with a video of the leader of the Ferguson protests himself talking about how it’d been high jacked by left wingers using them for ulterior motives.

Anywho. The other day I found a few telegram invite links for BLM groups on twitter, so I joined them just to see what was up and it’s quite shocking to see that a lot of them are far more radical and have a much broader goal than they lead on publicly. Unfortunately the ones I joined quickly got deleted because other people were joining to troll them, but here’s a few screenshots I took.

Illustration for article titled I cant be the only one who feels like every conspiracy theory is coming true
Illustration for article titled I cant be the only one who feels like every conspiracy theory is coming true
Illustration for article titled I cant be the only one who feels like every conspiracy theory is coming true

I honestly don’t have a problem that a lot of them are extreme marxist/communists types (there was a lot more mundane comments of people showing they were I didn’t bother to screenshot), but I do have a problem with the fact they’re currently working to achieve more extreme goals than they’re publicly admitting. Every official BLM statement I’ve seen has stated they’re against violence and looting, yet they’re currently trying to gain amnesty for those convicted of violent crime.


This is just kind of a buzzed rambling, so I’ll probably stop it after this, is the seemingly fictious creation of these “Boogaloo Boys” starting off that they didn’t even have a wikipedia page until May 30.

Illustration for article titled I cant be the only one who feels like every conspiracy theory is coming true

Most of my knowledge of this is anecdotal. But for anyone else who participates at all in gun or survivalist type communities at all, you’ve proabably heard of “boogaloo” which is a catch all term for “when SHTF” referring to anything from zombies, natural disasters, to widespread political violence. Now in the era of Trump these hypothetical scenarios did lean more towards what to do in case of political violence given overall increased political tensions, but the key is all of the talk around this was reaction to events, not instigating them. Yet the media paints a picture it’s this group of radicals waiting for their chance to overthrow the government, which if true they’re morons because they just missed the best opportunity of a lifetime.

If I’d done this earlier in the day I’d go into more detail and provide more links, but I encourage y’all to read what’s written about them. My main point is these are literally the same people who for years have half-seriously planned for the apocalypse, natural disasters, etc. But all of a sudden since the end of January/Beginning of February (Most weren’t written till end of May, but the earliest ones are from this time frame), now they’re being painted as this extremist organization that wants to overthrow the government, even though literally the only evidence is fucking memes on social media.


Quickly I’ll just touch on one article about three people arrested in Las Vegas.


So three people are arrested who have terrorists plans and the only evidence that they’re part some larger organization is the use of a years old internet meme?

Again, I’m not saying these are the only violent extremists that use the “boogaloo meme”. But it seems like there’s an irresponsible amount of fear mongering and deceit in painting it as this large extremist group with the intent of over throwing the government.


Anyway I obviously don’t have good answers to a lot of this stuff, but I just can’t help but feel like there’s 110% some Deus Ex level shit going on right now. Thank you for reading my barely comprehensible ramblings.