
Illustration for article titled Bleugh

I don’t need this right now. I really, honestly don’t. Without cracking the hood I want to say it’s a coil plug or, god forbid, an injector. They’re all original to the car which means they’re 19 years old and have done 260,000 miles. I doubt it’s as simple as a spark plug because those are all less than a year old with fewer than 6k on ‘em.

Illustration for article titled Bleugh

So that raises the question: do I want to trust an aftermarket coil or injector? Because if I’m doing one I should really replace all of them at the same time, and doing that with OEM parts will be prohibitively expensive.


Coils run from $50/ea for OEM to $100 for genuine BMW. Aftermarket ones are $15-30/ea.