Have I ever gone on my rant about how much auto forums suck?

You can make a post like “Hi, I’m having X issue but I’ve definitely, indubitably ruled out Y as the cause because [reason that anyone with a modicum of common sense would be able to deduce]. What else could be the culprit?” and the responses you get are as follows:

Reply one: Your problem is Y [you know, the one you said in your post definitely isn’t the problem]


Reply two: Well, [snake oil product] fixed [issue with an entirely different subsystem of the car from yours] for me so you should give it a try

Reply three: I agree with One, your problem is Y [Again, it’s written in your post that Y was ruled out for pretty obvious reasons]


Reply four: Two, I love your car you did a great job on the restoration I’m so jealous my dad had the same car when I was naught but a wee child the year was 1953 and Ike had just been elected...