This is a disgusting and unethical abuse of the S10 platform

Illustration for article titled This is a disgusting and unethical abuse of the S10 platform

What you’re looking at here is a poor, poor Blazer that was botoxed against its will and kept in production all the way up until 2011. GM Brazil couldn’t let the S10 die the dignified death it deserved. 20+ years of service wasn’t enough. They just had to force its tired and creaky bones into one last generation.

Illustration for article titled This is a disgusting and unethical abuse of the S10 platform
Illustration for article titled This is a disgusting and unethical abuse of the S10 platform

Such a travesty. Is there a Humane Society but for cars that we can call to report this to? I feel like this shouldn’t have been allowed. It looks like a Forester with mumps.

Illustration for article titled This is a disgusting and unethical abuse of the S10 platform

Also apparently in some export markets there existed a Blazer with an Hombre front end so yeah I guess that’s a thing that exists.

Illustration for article titled This is a disgusting and unethical abuse of the S10 platform
Illustration for article titled This is a disgusting and unethical abuse of the S10 platform