Of Work Things

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I had opportunities to to talk two leaders about positions in their orgs today. One was for a spot where I would have responsibility for all moving vehicles that we have around the airports except the planes. All trucks, belt loaders, tugs, bin loaders, bag tractors, deice and stuff like that. 15000 powered vehicles and another 25000 items of support equipment. Pretty much a 24/7 tactical role in the company with 15 managers and 300 technicians reporting up to it.


The other role was in our customer care team that is part of reservations. This team works with already ticketed customers prior to their flight. It is looking at process, strategy and internal communication paths in the company. A total staff of 12 including one manager. Totally a strategic spot.

I currently lead an engineering team of 63 including 4 managers. I could keep doing what I’m doing, take on a crazy tactical role or a more cerebral strategic spot. Definitely an interesting fork in the road.