No, bad Google!

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So the new Android Auto is rolling out! Unfortunately, Google has decided to stop supporting the app version, so too bad for those of us who don’t have Android Auto head units:

These updates will not be reflected in Android Auto for your phone screen. We will be evolving the phone screen experience from Android Auto to the Assistant’s new driving mode in the future.


Google hasn’t said much about Assistant Driving Mode but what they’ve shown doesn’t look promising:

What I see is a cluttered interface difficult to read and use and lacking the cleanness of Android Auto. Also really Google, scrolling through multiple screens of crappy assorted recommendations in an app that’s meant to be used while driving? Voice command for everything is good, but everything else about the app looks like a regression. Why would they not simply keep making their interface that is designed for driving available?


Big disappointment, I was looking forward to the new version, especially now that I have a phone that isn’t dog-slow when using Android Auto.