Everyone's safe, but I hope none of you were getting a car shipped to Baltimore

Illustration for article titled Everyones safe, but I hope none of you were getting a car shipped to Baltimore

The Hyundai-owned RO-RO transporter Golden Ray fell over and caught fire (for reasons that I haven’t seen reported anywhere) leaving Brunswick, GA en route to Baltimore on Sunday morning. 20 of the 24-man South Korean crew was rescued quickly, but the fire made it impossible to search for the remaining crew. Luckily, the survivors were able to make enough noise overnight to be located, and today the Coast Guard rescue team was able to cut through the hull to reach the engineering section they were trapped in and rescue the remaining four. Apparently it was extremely hot in there, but the crew is doing well.


No word on the cars, but I imagine they are all writeoffs at this point (I haven’t seen any specifics, but it sounds like the primary cargo was new cars from South Korea).

In any event, good work by the rescue teams. The Coast Guard is now looking at containing the environmental fallout from the wreck.
