Oppo stickers, anyone?


So I went ahead and did a thing. Found a new sticker vendor to try and these actually turned out pretty nice! Escort RS added for scale. The white on these is actually clear! This is a big pet peeve of mine so I was sure to clarify before I ordered.


Now then ... what to do with them. I don’t have this many cars/tool chests/laptops/etc to use them all. SO, who wants one? $2 will juuust cover my cost and a stamp. You can hit me up at: oppostickers@gmail.com with your details and I’ll reply with my Venmo or whatever.

Alternatively, maybe we can have some fun with these? I’d be more than willing to give them away as “attaboys/girls” for Good Oppo, somehow. Any ideas that would require a ton of my mod time to manage? I don’t have much of that to spare, tbh. Maybe we can give one away to other Oppos who post a photo of an Oppo sticker-tagged car they see, V.I.S.I.T. style?
