I'm back (with the answer), bitches!

EDIT: Bumped to share this morning because my timing is dumb :)

Illustration for article titled Im back (with the answer), bitches!

After an 8 year hiatus, I decided to jump back into crapcan racing with a group of friends. In a life comes full-circle kind of way, the Lemons team I originally founded when I worked for Mitchell was hanging it up. It was a company-sponsored team formed with the goal of fun and to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I left the team when I left the company and they continued racing. They sold the e12 we originally built together and bought and built out this Miata with the goal of having more fun by spending less time broken.

They did a nice jerb of the build. Everything was built to be Lemons, ChumpCar, Lucky Dog, and Spec Miata-compliant so we’ll have several options to run it within a few hours drive of San Diego. Our plan is to run it at the Lemons race in Buttonwillow in September. It’s been sitting for the last two years but it started right up with a jump. Fortunately for me two of the previous team members were tall like me and they already dropped the floor so it will accommodate up to a 6'4" helmeted driver. They also built it for hot weather racing so it’s equipped with a coolshirt system and helmet blower. My old teammates also threw in the radio communications setup and a spare set of wheels and tires and a trunk half full of parts.


All-in with the trailer, I’m out less than $5k. Now the fun begins ...