christmas dots

and a photodump i guess.... spent christmas day out in the sticks with me mum (well as out in the sticks as you can get round here)

anyhoo.. some new kids moved in to town... they drive these things to school

Illustration for article titled christmas dots

i think i’d be able to get along with these two

Illustration for article titled christmas dots
Illustration for article titled christmas dots

anyhoo... guess ill drop some pics of me walkabout i took em

the backyard... bigger than mine and full of birdies
the backyard... bigger than mine and full of birdies
welp... ive offered to clean the shed if i can keep the granny bike once i dug it out....i think i have a problem
welp... ive offered to clean the shed if i can keep the granny bike once i dug it out....i think i have a problem
ooo radwood
ooo radwood
the house i done a good part of my failing to grow up in
the house i done a good part of my failing to grow up in
hahaha..... farmers
hahaha..... farmers
nice place to live... nearest supermarket is almost 10 miles away tho
nice place to live... nearest supermarket is almost 10 miles away tho quaint quaint
oh my..... it never ends
oh my..... it never ends
who dis guy?.... welcome to the colony sounds pretty ominous
who dis guy?.... welcome to the colony sounds pretty ominous
yep.....its flat here
yep.....its flat here
hmmm... must be nearing dinnertime
hmmm... must be nearing dinnertime
looks like this is as far as the wildfire got earlier this year
looks like this is as far as the wildfire got earlier this year
and back in me mums sleepy little village
and back in me mums sleepy little village
and on our way home again.... this roads lethal when your tired as the trees zooming past are damn near hypnotic
and on our way home again.... this roads lethal when your tired as the trees zooming past are damn near hypnotic