its time (qualifying)

f1 spoilers may turn up in the comments

hammy hammy
hammy hammy
Photo: hamtaro

yeah yeah...i know i said i wouldnt do these anymore.... but come on...its been like a hundred years since the last race.... and im really bored looks like max might be the only real threat to the mercs...and thats assuming perez in the pink merc doesnt pull of a shock... kinda wondering how badly he’ll put stroll to shame


and then theres latoffi....thats right we havent even gotten to the first qualifying of the year and hes already earned himself a nickname

ocon looks like hes not lost his edge..but i guess well find out in a minute a shocking turn of events...grosjean seems to be having trouble with his brakes


eh fuckit lets just watch qualy....its been too fucking long

ooo wait...back to the pink mercs....whats up with that smoke?