its goodwoods festiva...oh wait its just the f1 at silverstone (qualifying)

f1 spoilers may turn up in the comments

Gif: adolf fucking hitler (Shutterstock)

anyhoo..i wonder wich hamilton will get pole today

im betting its hamilton

tho..theres is a tiny chance i wont survive this....coz i swear to god if we end up with a stroll position my head will a splode....but it looks like cooler weather means im safe


anyhoo...the bulls look like they might not get lapped during the race...maybe

if they dont spin off or blow up...

ferrari looks slightly less sucky than before....i suspect they’ll give russel a run for his money


and tbh...everyone but the pink mercs and the regular mercs look pretty fucking iffy this weekend

ah fuckit lets just go watch hammy get his pole