THIS IS SPA!rta...(qualifying)

f1 spoilers may turn up in the comments

kick, punch..its all in the mind
kick, punch..its all in the mind
Photo: .

first weekend of no party mode...lets see how fast the mercs are now...

toto says it means the mercs are faster on racepace i figure thats a load of totoshit...i reckons it just means the time difference between q1 and q3 will be a lot smaller now


but...i could be wrong

anyhoo.. max looks to be on the pace so far...and haas looks like they have a car that runs now (i mean...not very fast....but runs)


renault is probably cheating (somebody should probably investigate that bit of abitobullshit)

and ferrari looks like absolute shite.......shame theres no crowd in italy next week.....woulda been kinda fun to see (yeah...i guess im okay with bloodsports...)


anyhoo...lets just see how this all pans out

(im half expecting a stroll position)
