NFL Open Thread

Yes. Some people in Denver still think it could happen. And if they manage somehow to beat the Bengals today, a team that is also awful and floundering, it’s going to get worse. Either way, sports talk radio will be unbearable.


Look, I love my team. I’ve been there since 1986 for all the ups and downs. I’ve only ever been to a couple games in person. One was Super Bowl XXXII (awesome), and another was the 59-14 beatdown by the Raiders, at home. We stayed for the entire damn game. I’ve seen the extremes, and everything in between. This year is definitely one of the downs. I remember the 1990 season which was their last 6-game losing streak (if I’m not mistaken). For them to have a realistic shot at the playoffs, they’ll have to win all 7 of their remaining games. (I’m thinking 9-7 isn’t going to get it done since every other team in the AFC West is still alive.) THEY COULDN’T BEAT THE GIANTS. AT HOME. In 1990 when they broke the last 6-game losing streak, there were only 3 games left and they couldn’t win out then. “BUT ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN BLAH BLAH TEBOW BLAH BLAH!” Sure. Or it could be like the Cutler years. 9-7 & almost. That’s way more likely. Oh, well. If the Broncos can’t be in the mix, here’s hoping for a Jags-Lions Super Bowl. Or Jags-Vikings. OOH, or the Rams! It’ll be like when the Marlins won the World Series, no one in their home city cared! BURN IT DOWN! /bitter

Today in my area, CBS has the Chiefs at the Giants in the early game. C’mon Giants, if you’re gonna beat the Broncos, at least knock off the Chiefs and Raiders for us. Misery loves company. Late game is the Bengals-Broncos naturally. I’m not willing to pick a winner. Calling either of those teams a winner after the game seems like misuse of the word ‘winner’. On Fox, it’s Los Angeles at Minnesota. At the start of the season, who would have looked at this game on the schedule and thought it would be a big game? I kinda want to pick the Vikings, but the Rams will probably win. Sunday Night is Eagles-Cowboys, and Monday is Falcons at what’s left of the Seahawks.


The rest of the schedule: Lions at Bears, Jags at Browns, Ravens at Packers, Bucs at Dolphins in the Bye Week Bowl, Redskins at Saints, Cards at Texans, Bills at Chargers (AFC games on FOX make me feel weird), and Pats at Raiders in Mexico (I’m rooting for the meteor!). Colts, Jets, Niners, and Panthers are on recess.

So, if you’re bitter about your team’s season like I am, let your misery flow in the comments. And if your team is doing well, feel free to rub it in. And then go cram it up your dumper. :)