NFL Open Thread

Update: well, that sucked. Oh, well. Apart from a few plays, I’m seeing the Broncos improve each week. That they even got to 23 points is a pretty big accomplishment. Brandon Allen looks like he could keep improving (or he could be the second coming of Trevor Siemian, LOL), and they were in it right up to the end. I’m bummed about Andy Janovich’s injury, though. Also, didn't expect the Ravens to throttle the Texans like that, and the Falcons took it to the Panthers. 

Hot take incoming! I understand it’s bizarre and usually dumb to fire a coach in the middle of his first season... but if I were Jimmy Haslam I would have fired Freddie Kitchens on Friday morning. He clearly has no control over his team or any idea how to effectively coach, and I’m not just talking about the fight at the end of the TNF game. The Browns are always undisciplined, commit stupid(and numerous) penalties, and are painful to watch. I think they made a mistake in passing on Gregg Williams, and I can’t even stand that guy. You know who would be a good choice to replace Kitchens with? John Fox. No, really, I think he would be able to wrangle them well.


I have no idea what to expect when the Broncos meet the Vikings today. They have a QB making only his second start. The Vikings are clearly the better team. If there’s one thing that Kirk Cousins can do, it’s beat up on sub-par teams. But when everything points in one direction, I don’t trust it. I’m still picking the Vikings to win, but this feels like it’ll be a weird game. By the way, the last time the Broncos played the Vikings in Minnesota, it was one of the most entertaining games of 2011.

Because the Broncos are on the road, they are our early CBS game. Oddly, we actually get a second CBS game after: Pats at Eagles. I want the Eagles to win, but if I was putting money on it I’d still have to take the Patriots. Only one Fox game for us today, and it’s the Cardinals at the Niners. I don’t think the Cards have a chance. (Full disclosure: I only got 3 games right in my pick ‘em last week.) SNF is gross. Bears at Rams? Ugh. Monday is way better. Chiefs “at” Chargers. The Chargers are a hot mess right now. I’m picking them to win.


The rest:

Texans at Ravens - This game wasn’t flexed into Sunday Night? Really? I don’t understand the NFL. This should be an awesome game. I’m not picking against the Ravens right now. It’s so funny how Lamar Jackson was almost an afterthought in that draft class. Nobody knows anything, we’re all just making wild guesses.


Falcons at Panthers - If the Panthers can’t knock off the Falcons at home, it’ll be pretty sad.

Cowboys at Lions - I’d love for the Lions to win here, but I can’t see how they can.


Jaguars at Colts - Another game that would be worth flexing into SNF. Looks like Jacoby Brissett will start as far as I can tell, and Nick Foles is back also. I don’t know how to pick this one, but I guess I’ll take the Colts on the condition that Brissett starts and makes it through the entire game.

Buffalo at Miami - Two weeks ago the Dolphins were dead in the water, and now? They’re still terrible. But the Bills are just uneven enough that they could slip up here. I do think they get the win today, though.


Saints at Buccaneers - Which Bucs team shows up today? This might actually be an entertaining game. I’ll still pick the Saints.

Jets at Redskins - No thanks.

Bengals at Raiders - The Raiders are going to crush the Bengals. Probably. It is the Raiders, after all.


Packers, Titans, Giants, and Seahawks are all on their bye.

Happy watching! I’m going to go and make my terrible picks and see if I can sink even lower in my pick ‘em.