Exploring Washington: Part III

Photo: FractalFootwork

Took the ZR2 on it’s first off-road adventure last weekend to explore a bit of southeastern Washington.


We stayed at a friend’s a cabin near Dayton most of the weekend. It was nice. We saw turkey and deer at the cabin, and Dexter and I proceeded to chase them with all our might.

Had a great breakfast sandwich from Moose Creek Cafe & Bakery; would recommend.

Screenshot: Google Maps

On Saturday, we made it only to to the marked location. I wanted to do the full route from Dayton to Walla Walla as Google only predicted it to be a few hours, but when we got to the serious off-road bits and the mph dropped into the teens I knew we weren’t prepared and decided to turn around. I’d like to go back and do the full route some day soon.

Photo: FractalFootwork

This was parked at an angle of 15°, or so my truck told me.

Boy off roading is exciting! I wasn’t even doing anything crazy, but it felt good going to a place most cars won’t ever follow. Probably trying out a trail near Rimrock next time; I’m up for a convoy if any other PNW fancy driving off road?


Took Dexter swimming in the Columbia river at the Tri-Cities on our way home; he loved it.

Illustration for article titled Exploring Washington: Part III
Photo: FractalFootwork

He loves his head out the window. Wined like crazy when the road got all bumpy though; not sure if he didn’t like it or just wanted to get out of the car and explore on paw.

Photo: FractalFootwork

All wet from playing fetch in the river near the cabin.

Photo: FractalFootwork

Hero shot.

Photo: FractalFootwork

Dexter likes the truck best.

I think the next excursion will be camping. Does anyone have any tents or general camping supplies they recommend? Here’s what’s on the short list:

  • 3+ person tent / truck-bed tent? (we have a gift card to REI that we might use for this)
  • JiffyPop
  • A knife / multi-tool

Also on the recommendation theme, does anyone have anything they suggest for off-roading? Here’s what’s on the short list:

  • traction boards
  • shovel
  • LED headlights
