This Pajero is McDonald's

I’m lovin’ it.

A good water crossing shot is one where the water looks deeper than it actually was.
A good water crossing shot is one where the water looks deeper than it actually was.

Went to Rausch Creek with some friends. I drove the Pajero, Rob drove my ‘96/’97 Grand Cherokee, Nick brought his quite cool XJ (by far the most appropriate vehicle of the three for this kind of driving).

Shiny. Maybe a bit TOO shiny. We’ll soon fix that.
Shiny. Maybe a bit TOO shiny. We’ll soon fix that.

I’ve been to Rausch Creek before but only as a passenger - same for Rob. Nick has been many times so he led.

time = !bath_time
time = !bath_time

We stuck mostly to green trails and one or two blues since we had to drive these 2 hours home afterwards. Also either the GC or the Pajero have to be daily drivers afterwards.

Illustration for article titled This Pajero is McDonalds
The Mountain Goat
The Mountain Goat
The Older Mule
The Older Mule
The attitude indicator is for static ‘grams only.
The attitude indicator is for static ‘grams only.

In 4 Lo the Pajero chugged along without any issues and I barely needed to touch the clutch pedal. There were a few underbody scrapes and bumps and one point where a high rock hitting the rear diff stopped me hard, but otherwise the narrow track combined with 31" tires and moderate ground clearance meant I could go anywhere the XJ could go.


All three of us had a great time overall.

Illustration for article titled This Pajero is McDonalds