Just pretend to give a damn

Is that too much to ask? Why should I have to be calling you months after you said you would. Could you just pretend to feel sorry?

My past hour or so...

Case #1, Dealer #1: Attempt at getting Toyota to fix some flaking paint on my Tacoma.


Yeah, your paint warranty claim came back as denied a couple months ago.

You also didn’t return my call from last week and your offer to have the paint shop do it for free doesn’t hold much weight. I’m sure you will follow up tomorrow morning like you promised.


Case #2, Dealer #2: Warranty work for this weird braking/clunking noise in the TourX

Parts guy: Yeah, we have those unique, non-everyday parts in house but missing a couple bolts. I can have them here by Wednesday. Let me transfer you over to service to get you scheduled.


Service guy: I can get you in in two weeks.

Me: The parts have been at your dealership for months and no one called. You need to do better than that.


Service Guy: I can get you in next week.

Me: SMDH...Fine. Will it be done in one day?

Service Guy: I think so.

——Two separate dealerships with two separate problems and no fucks given on their end. Not even a simple, hey sorry we didn’t call you back for the past 4 fucking months. Our bad.


Nothing. Screw those two dealerships. If this wasn’t covered under warranty, I wouldn’t even go through the hassle.


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