New Family Addition

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Oppo, allow me to present to you Griswold. He was brought into the cat shelter at which we volunteer last Aug/Sep at the age of 1-2 months. Shortly thereafter another batch of kittens they brought in also brought in a serious bout of ringworm. So, after many months of waiting and visiting, deep cleans, meds and dips, the ringworm was officially eradicated and we were able to bring him home Sunday. We were in Minneapolis this weekend, upon returning home we drove straight to the shelter to finalize everything and pick him up. He is the most affectionate animal (not just cat) I’ve ever met - for now. I think he always will be very affectionate, he always has been, but once the excitement of going home wears off I think his affection will mellow a bit.


He made friends with our Bostons pretty quick

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He and our 2 year old cat, Bowie, have briefly met - there were a few growls and hisses, but mostly they left each other alone. Our older cat, Sally, is very upset and it’s going to be a while longer of site-swapping and gradual introductions, but all indications are it will be fine (because so far - this is the same routine she put on when we brought Bowie home).

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Any Chicagoland Oppos thinking of a cat? Check out Harmony House for Cats. They have a lot more cats available than the ones on their petfinder page. Including kittens.