Bookshelf Project Finally Complete

Illustration for article titled Bookshelf Project Finally Complete

After 13 months, our iron pipe & reclaimed wood bookshelves are complete. “Hey, Galileo, why’d it take 13 months?” You might ask, adding, “These look fairly straight forward.” Well, that’s a fair question and they are, to which I would respond, “Shut up.”


Honestly, we bought the pipes and wood, August of ‘17. We quickly had the wood cut and sanded and the pipes partially assembled. Due to life and travel and whatnot, the shelves were sanded and stained in September but we weren’t happy. We let the project sit too long and Winter/Spring didn’t really allow us an opportunity to redo them. Well, some procrastinating later, I get everything ready to go this weekend (new stain, sander, etc.) and in looking at them ‘with fresh eyes’ we actually really liked the subtle, mismatched stains. So I finished the project, finally.

Illustration for article titled Bookshelf Project Finally Complete
Illustration for article titled Bookshelf Project Finally Complete

I think I’m going to make some similar ones for our record collection downstairs to further tie everything together, andthis time I aim to get the time of completion down to under 6 months! Realistically a few days, if I’m being honest.