325i update

Shot on 2011-expiry Vietnamese-market Fuji Superia 200
Shot on 2011-expiry Vietnamese-market Fuji Superia 200

Well, it’s been about six months since I replaced my 6MT G35 with a Bavarian three-pedal sedan so it’s time for an update. As I have a hard time leaving things alone, it’s received:

-Silver steering wheel trim

-OE-look Alloy pedals

-Dubiously-chromed M Parallels, E39 front square fitment.

-ZHP weighted shift knob

-LED corona ring bulbs

-Logic 7 extra tweeter mod

Along with all the necessary maintenance and repair items.

Shot on 2011-expiry Vietnamese-market Fuji Superia 200
Shot on 2011-expiry Vietnamese-market Fuji Superia 200

I’ll admit, there is a certain irony in owning a heavily depreciated German car with a standard-issue number plate that reads “Clapped” but I don’t think I’ve ever not wanted to get back into it after a week in a press car. The steering is great, the ZHP shift knob really added definition to the shifter action and the engine is so smooth it feels as if it runs on whipping cream. Lifetime average is about 27 MPG and insurance is surprisingly reasonable. While the photos above don’t show it, Arktis is a rather distinctive colour that shifts from grey to silver to blue to green to gold depending on lighting. As a bonus, the N52 is a rather stout engine that’s been proven to last over 300k miles with regular maintenance. Nice.

So what’s next for this little car? Possibly a three-stage manifold conversion to unlock that critical extra 5i along with a shorter diff ratio and general maintenance.