Looks like Aston Martin will be an official F1 team in 2021


Pretty interesting news.

For those not as familiar with F1, current Racing Point driver Lance Stroll has a very wealthy father, Lawrence. He and other similarly wealthy people brought Force India back as Racing Point, which will now be the Aston Martin team in 2021.


I’d imagine that they’d keep using Mercedes engines since their road cars use them as well.

This also means that we’ll no longer have Aston Martin Red Bull Racing Honda since they’ll have to drop their Red Bull sponsorship.


So, while it’s not a new entry per se, it’s nice to see another manufacturer name in the motorsport. Rumours are that Mercedes may decide to stop their factory effort and have that “works” team relationship once again with McLaren since they will be the new engine supplier for the team in 2021 as well.

A lot of people shit on Lance (rightly so) and many are still giving him the benefit of the doubt (rightly so). I still think he’s destined to be a midfield driver at best - heck, he’s already better off than Hulkenberg since he’s got one career podium finish. He still qualifies like shit even if he does perform better in races. However, as a Canadian, I want to see him do well. I’d love it if I could hear the Canadian anthem after a race at some point during my life without having to rewatch races from 1997.

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