Good news for Canadian F1 fans - F1TV is finally here

I signed up for it last night and already watched a classic race from the archive - the 1996 Monaco GP was a strange one. I had heard so much about Olivier Panis’ win here but I totally blanked on it up to the point where Damon Hill’s engine decided to call it quits. I thought it was unusual that there were so many race retirements but didn’t clue in until later.


$79 for the annual sub; for a big F1 fan like me, this was a no brainer since it gets me the F2/F3 races, plus I won’t have to go through the hassle of finding streams anymore. Pricewise, it’s quite reasonable when you consider what other countries pay after converting back to our loonie.

Not sure what this means for the TSN broadcasting contract but I love the fact that I no longer need to make choice between waking up early to catch the whole race or waiting hours after the finish, avoiding all car news (which makes up most of what I read online), and having to “find” a copy somewhere.