just got my first haircut in over 5 months + F1 Austrian GP schedule

My hair no longer stabs me in the eyes which will be useful when watching F1/2/3 this weekend. A lot of hair gets caught in the mask so be prepared to either wash it (and have a backup ready in case you go out) or use a disposable one.

Speaking of which, here’s the schedule edit: I realized this is all EST so use Google to convert it to your respective time zones, or just look it up, I pulled this info from F1TV:

Formula 1

Illustration for article titled just got my first haircut in over 5 months + F1 Austrian GP schedule
Screenshot: myself

Formula 2

Illustration for article titled just got my first haircut in over 5 months + F1 Austrian GP schedule
Screenshot: what the fuck is this

Formula 3

Illustration for article titled just got my first haircut in over 5 months + F1 Austrian GP schedule
Screenshot: do I seriously need to fucking do this for each screenshot

Porsche Supercup (which I’ve never watched before)

Illustration for article titled just got my first haircut in over 5 months + F1 Austrian GP schedule
Screenshot: fer fucks sake