Wrenching Time

What else are you gonna do. Nissan R200 to Triumph TR250 project.

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New mounting brackets and machined flange installed.

Illustration for article titled Wrenching Time

My messy workspace

Illustration for article titled Wrenching Time

“Custom” jack cradle to lift the diff into place.

Illustration for article titled Wrenching Time

It had to go in and out twice because the nose is about two inches longer than the stock item, so clearance was tight and I had to mess with some spacers, but the jack/cradle thing worked pretty well.

Because it was longer the flange hooked up to the driveshaft at the start of the driveshaft tunnel, I couldn’t even get the bolts in until I pushed some shorter bolts in from the differential side (not enough clearance to do the ones I needed to use that way, a picture would be helpful, but I was full on grease monster at this point), then with a couple stubbys holding the driveshaft on I was able to tip of two fingers get the regular bolts in from the tunnel side and then tighten them down...a.....flat.....at.....a......time....on......the......fine.....thread.....bolts. This took much longer than it took you to read, even with the added dots.


The good news it all fits, the bad news, vendor forgot the axle flange adapters, so I will not finish this weekend.  As Rob would say, cue sad trombone.