Contractors--Help Me Out

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I don’t know if it is just around here, but it is definitely not just me. If you try to get a contractor around here, drywall, bricklaying, tree trimming, build a deck, various home improvement type things, you get a call back about a third of the time. Of those that call back, about half will actually give you an estimate. Of those that flake out, they pretty much always ghost you.


I have never been a contractor, I have had my own business. Never been so busy I could blow off customers.

Is it just sort of a macho non-cummunicative culture? I get it that you can be busy or not interested in the job. How hard is it to type out the sentence, “love to do the work, but we are six weeks out and in scheduling” or “thanks for the interest not the kind of work we do” “we don’t do that, but here is somebody who does”


The no response at all is frustrating, but what is worse is the tease, where they promise an estimate or the job, you are trying to get something done, and they never come back. I realize I am of much less interest than some general contractor who will provide work on a regular basis, but still, my money spends like anybody else's.

Thought maybe I have a picky customer or cheapskate vibe, but just talked to some friends who wanted to have a deck done. Same story.


And much of this is pre-covid, so that is not it either.

Any insight appreciated.

Note also, contacts have been made through referrals from others who have used the contractor, general web searches, running into guys with signs on their trucks at big box stores. Doesn’t seem to matter, the referalls may be a little more likely to talk to you before blowing you off I guess.