DOTS: Is it Mulholland Drive OR is it 2 hours from the nearest Starbucks?

Illustration for article titled DOTS: Is it Mulholland Drive OR is it 2 hours from the nearest Starbucks?
Graphic: CDD

It’s actually in the middle of nowhere BC. Beautiful scenic pullout on the Duffy Lake Road. Cayooch Valley Lookout. It was weird because we stopped for 10 minutes and the driver was nowhere to be found. Now that I look at the picture closer....I think I solved the mystery. I reckon he’s/ she’s got a lift with a buddy into town to pick up a flat deck.


Also....30 seconds from the nearest Starbucks....

Illustration for article titled DOTS: Is it Mulholland Drive OR is it 2 hours from the nearest Starbucks?
Graphic: CDD