The XE-7 works

Alternate title: gmctavish needs to work on shooting with a camera that will let him mess up

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I was a genius and wasn’t paying attention to my light meter, so I didn’t realize that obviously the shutter couldn’t go fast enough to compensate for a wide aperture.

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Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works

^I think that’s a bit of motion blur from my shaky-ass hands, but maybe I was just out of focus. As I learned, I need to work on using a manual focus lens.

Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works
Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works
Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works
Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works
Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works

^Hey look I finally noticed that my meter needle was above the fastest shutter speed the camera is capable of

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.....and then promptly forgot, I guess.

Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works
Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works
Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works
Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works
Illustration for article titled The XE-7 works

There you have it. Nothing like a mostly manual camera to teach you that you’re not a good photographer, you’ve just had cameras that make it really hard to screw up photos. I’m looking forward to putting another roll through this thing and maybe taking some decent photos.