It's Kismit, I Tell Ya

A week ago I threw my groceries on the backseat, started the car and listened to the radio DJ announce the next song. It sounded like he said the artist was John Fogerty. The song started and I immediately recognized it from my childhood. Back in the day it would play on the station my mother listened to in the car. I don’t think I’ve heard it in 30 years. I was covered in a wave of nostalgia by the end of song. And when the DJ again said it was John Fogerty I thought to myself, “That was definitely not John Fogerty”. By the time I got home I’d forgotten the song title and was left with trying to use Google autocomplete to find the artist with a name that sounded like John Fogerty. No Luck.

Last night I watched El Camino and on a radio played a song, that song. I waited for the credits and sure enough...


My kismit is now your listening pleasure. Enjoy, I’d Really Love to See You Tonight by John Ford Coley.