It's that time...

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Illustration for article titled Its that time...
Illustration for article titled Its that time...
Illustration for article titled Its that time...

Vacation over, time to head back across the country to that place where my stuff and my job are; however, in my heart Orange County will always be home. I don’t know if I’d want to move back here unless I was independently wealthy; the traffic was as bad as I remember, and the cost of living exorbitant. I didn’t look at rents as I’m sure that they’re ridiculous. One family friend mentioned that the house they bough new for $22,500 is now worth $600K, and at last check my folk’s place is worth more than $1.6M. Even the dumpy little 4 unit apartment building we lived in in the late ‘60s/early’70s just recently sold for over $1.2M.

It was a good visit as always, and for nine days I got to live the life of a retired person - no urgency, no great demands on my time. I did get a few good meals out including an excellent Peruvian meal, and of course mom’s cooking was top notch despite her constant worries that she didn’t know what she was doing. I got to see some old friends and some family including my sister who never writes. A few relatives couldn’t make it to last night’s soiree; Christine had a minor procedure done and couldn’t drive, and Jim had a few gall bladder attacks last week and was rushed to surgery yesterday; with those two down for the count there was nobody to bring their mother, the family matriarch, to the party. Maybe next year, I hope...


My mother is getting a little morbid, and it was a tad uncomfortable. She mentioned that, should anything happen to them, my sister is to sell everything and send half the money to me. I’m glad there’s a plan and an understanding of their wishes, but it’s just not something I want to think about. They’re 72 and 74 and seem to be doing OK, mom’s diabetes (controlled) notwithstanding. They go to the gym and stretch classes several times a week, eat better than I do, and seem to be fit and trim. If anything should happen to dad I don’t know how long she would last as he seems to be rock that keeps her focused and her craziness under control. He would probably last a while without her, but I just don’t know. There were a few other uncomfortable comments and I just didn’t know how to respond.

Thanks for making it through my somewhat depressing ramblings. As a reward, here’s a sweet pup for your time:

Illustration for article titled Its that time...