I deserve this

Illustration for article titled I deserve this

Oops. I was good about parking on the correct side of the street when I came back from vacation, which covered me for Monday, but after calling off work for Tuesday I completely forgot about moving the car. Usually I hear the street sweeper and head out there before I’m ticketed, but for the last two days I have drugged myself into unconsciousness in order to get over a cold. It’s only $15, the cost of a couple of lunches (the ones I didn’t take by staying home...)

Illustration for article titled I deserve this

I’m probably in trouble at work, having called off two days before my vacation and now two days after. I caught this cold a couple of days before coming home and thought that it would be best if I didn’t spread it amongst my coworkers. I’m not certain how fast infections like this travel across the country, but I caught it in SoCal and thought it best that I leave it there; this isn’t counting the hundreds of people on the aircraft I flew on coming home, but I tried to do my part by sitting in the last row of the aircraft, close to the outflow valve, hoping my germs won’t be recirculated throughout the cabin.


Time to step out and run a few errands, mostly getting prescriptions. Silly insurance companies - what’s the point of refilling two prescriptions, 90 days each, at two different times? I have to take them at the same time, so might as well fill them at the same time. I know, they’re trying to prevent abuse and over prescribing, but this is just BP meds which I don’t think have much value for drug abusers...