My Parent's Cars

No particular order, because, well, Kinja, but you get the idea. Some winners and some lapses in judgment (*cough* Ford *cough*). Many of these became mine (Dasher, 320i, 525i), although not any of the really cool ones. The ‘Stang almost became my first car, but I lucked out and got the Dasher instead. Wish I could have purchased that Vanagon Carat, but I was broke and unemployed when they were selling it. Lots of beige, white and silver - I guess they know what they like.

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Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars
Illustration for article titled My Parents Cars