As if I didn't have enough going on already...

Illustration for article titled As if I didnt have enough going on already...

I met with the surgeon that did my colectomy earlier this year for a follow up. Things related to the surgery are just fine, but I brought up some problems I’ve been having lately. Now, in addition to dealing with the colon cancer it seems that I have developed a peptic ulcer.


I don’t know if it was caused by the chemo or if it’s just from getting old. I do have a follow-up with my GI next week, and I can expect more tests and more drugs. At the very least I suspect that an endoscopy is in order which means more time off work and finding someone to give me a ride home now that my usual provider for that is dead.

In the mean time I shall remain here in bed, ignoring all the crap that needs to be done around the house, and continue to watch Catch-22 on Hulu. I’m quite enjoying this show. It's been decades since I read the book and I haven't seen the movie, so this is quite convenient (except for the commercials...)

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