Why must they force my hand?

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More terminations coming up. I really hate to do it, but when forced, sometimes for the best of the greater operation.


Example one: one driver is running late so I move one of her trips to another driver that is in the area and had plenty of slack time. All of a sudden she needs to take a break. They’ve been told to time their breaks to coincide with slack time. I have to decline the brake until after the newly assigned trip is complete. Now it takes her 25 minutes to go 1.7 miles, and I’ve got the customer calling, looking for her ride...

Example two: driver goes to a church to pick up an elderly customer and her son who is serving as her attendant. She refuses to pull into the church parking lot, telling the sin that she had a walker and therefore she can walk to the van. Drivers can refuse to do things that they deem unsafe, but there were no issues like that here. She tells the son to get it and shut up. You just don’t act like this is you want to keep your job. We send another driver out to relieve her and take over her route and tell her to return to base when the replacement arrives. In a fit of anger she rolls down her window and shuts off the van, denying the stranded passengers air conditioning on an 85 degree day. Unreal. Where do we find these people?


We’re cutting back the number of trips and doing other things to relieve the stress and make this better place to work. How are rewarded for trying to make the driver’s jobs better? Insubordination, game playing, and yelling at customers. If we gave them a raise they’d probably run someone over out of spite. I just don't understand...