Japan's former "Air Force One" is for sale

They’ve upgraded to a 777, so the old one is for sale for only $28M. Considering the price of a new G600, Falcon 8X, or 737-based BBJ, it’s a bargain. Maintenance and operating costs? Well, that’s a different story. And it’s a 747-400, not the -200 that lesser leaders are forced to schlep around in...

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Illustration for article titled Japans former Air Force One is for sale
Illustration for article titled Japans former Air Force One is for sale
Illustration for article titled Japans former Air Force One is for sale
Illustration for article titled Japans former Air Force One is for sale
Illustration for article titled Japans former Air Force One is for sale
Illustration for article titled Japans former Air Force One is for sale
Illustration for article titled Japans former Air Force One is for sale
Illustration for article titled Japans former Air Force One is for sale

Compared to a lot of VIP aircraft I've seen, this one is quite tasteful and restrained.