I want it

Captain Sim L-1011 Tristar, pulled from their website
Captain Sim L-1011 Tristar, pulled from their website

Captain Sim is having a less than one day sale on the 20th @ 2020Z to celebrate their 20th anniversary. I’ve always wanted to buy some of their products but couldn’t justify the price. Now that everything is $20.20 for 20 hours I’m going to do it, but the hard part for me is going to be not buying everything that they offer.


They specialize in airliners, and TBH I usually prefer flying smaller turboprops, mostly around Hawaii and Tahiti. Sorry, but simulated long haul flights are nearly as boring as the real thing, hence my preference for more takeoffs and landings. But CS does such a nice job on these models that I might find myself doing a little more jet flying, most likely Aloha 737s if someone has done a proper repaint.