What do you guys know about GoPro mounts?

I just picked up a Hero 2 with a couple of cases, a bunch of batteries and several SD cards (including one of those WiFi ones) for $20. I don’t know why I want it, but it seemed like a good deal so I said ‘why not?’.

It looks like there are a couple of different mounting systems used by GoPro and competing cameras over the years. In my junk pile I have a motorsport suction mount for an Activeon camera, and from what I see it appears to use the same mounting system as newer GoPro units. If that is the case, I was wondering if there exists an adapter to allow me to mount my ancient GoPro on this newer style of mount?

Illustration for article titled What do you guys know about GoPro mounts?

This is what my motorsport suction mount has. The GoPro and Activeon mounts look the same, but I don’t know if they are. It might make sense if they were, but from what I’ve seen with other tech, what appears logical as far as compatibility is concerned may not actually be.


Or should I not bother and just get a ball adapter like this (providing that it fits in my Activeon mount):

Illustration for article titled What do you guys know about GoPro mounts?

This is a new world for me, so I’m hoping some of you out there might have some experience and could point me in the right direction.