
Illustration for article titled Almost...

These are mostly C&D and R&T, with several others mixed in. They date back to the early ‘70s, and I probably read most of these when they were new. Today was a 50% off day, but even $1.50 is too much. I tried to make an offer to buy them all, starting at $40 and was willing to go as high as $50, but the best they’d do would be $0.25/ea if I bought them all. I don’t need them, I don’t have room for them, and walked away before I went overboard.


That Nikon F100 was still there, and was somewhat tempting at $85, but like the magazines I came to my senses and moved on. It was a little rough but not too bad, but the last thing I need is another 35mm camera. I have away dozens when I moved but still have plenty, and like my G4 and G5 Macs, I haven’t used any of them in over 8 years.