Dark (NSFW, politics or whatever - you have been warned...)

Buffer image, because.

Illustration for article titled Dark (NSFW, politics or whatever - you have been warned...)
Graphic: Stolen from Oppo and I’m just returning it

A vintage clothing store in AZ has decided to take a no BS policy against anti-maskers:

Illustration for article titled Dark (NSFW, politics or whatever - you have been warned...)
Screenshot: Just look at it - you can’t tell where I stole it from?

Say what you will about your “freedom” and the usefulness of masks and your ‘rights’, whatever those may be, but I applaud this store owner for taking a strong, albeit somewhat harsh, stand. Maybe making it somewhat personal will wake up a few people (but I won’t hold my breath.) As in so many things when part of a society, it’s not just about you...

My only complaint? They need to tighten up the spacing between the last two pages to make it easier to read and look less like there’s a pause between them.
