Stopped by Pick-n-Pull yesterday

Illustration for article titled Stopped by Pick-n-Pull yesterday
Photo: Me - who did you think?
Illustration for article titled Stopped by Pick-n-Pull yesterday
Photo: Me - who did you think?

Unfortunately the corner from which I needed a part was the corner that was crunched. There’s a fuel vent valve that I could use but I didn’t feel like crawling around in the mud. Normally I love rainy summer days, but not when I have to crawl under a car that’s resting on gravel.

I did manage to grab a shifter bezel that I hope I can modify to work with the manual transmission. I’ve already got one, but now I have one that I can practice on if necessary. What was even better is that they didn’t charge me for it.


I’ll save you the gore that is the remnants of my finger. I reached in to the back of this car through the hatch and dragged my finger along the broken glass. Oops. Much to my surprise I found a maxi-pad in the next car and used that to stop the blood flow, and dumped in a little cyanoacrylate when I got home. I almost couldn’t get out of the lot - as I got in my car the paramedics were pulling up (not for me) and blocked me in, but with some guidance and creative turning in my space I managed to get free.

I’ll have to go back when things dry out, but I just need to find something to make the wrenching a little easier. Something like a yoga mat would probably be perfect but I don’t have one and have no idea how much the cost, or for that matter, where to buy one...