Cyanoacrylate plus baking soda equals awesome

Illustration for article titled Cyanoacrylate plus baking soda equals awesome
Photo: me, goddammit - who do you think did it?

I picked up this Razer XBox 360 controller at the Goodwill Outlet for next to nothing. Not surprisingly, something inside was broken, in this case the linkage for the right trigger. I built it back up using the chemicals mentioned above, sanded it down using hand files and a knife sharpening stone (the best file for big, flat surfaces) and recreated the slot with the Dremel.


On the first try it was a little thin and broke during assembly, but looking at where there were clearance issues I determined where I could make it thicker. It was too long at first, but a bit of sanding and it fit in place and worked. It looks a little ugly but is probably stronger than stock, plus since it’s all internal you’ll never see it.

I do have other controllers but I like the feel of this one thanks to the switches used. In addition, I’m a bit bored these days and I like the job of bringing something broken back to life - it gives me a sense of accomplishment that is much needed these days.