DeLorean - The Stainless Steel Nostalgia King

I rented a DeLorean for a day!

Illustration for article titled DeLorean - The Stainless Steel Nostalgia King

Almost 40 years after its debut, this stainless steel machine drips more nostalgia than just about any other car on the planet. Immortalized by the iconic Back To The Future films, the spirit of this car is etched into our collective consciousness.

While it’s fun to reminisce about these classic movies, the nostalgia clouds our memory of the DeLorean DMC-12 and draws a veil over the scandals and fiascos surrounding the car’s history. The real story of DeLorean’s rise to prominence and its swift, spectacular collapse is truly stranger than fiction.


If you’ve got a spare 12 minutes, feel free to check out the video I just made with this totally rad wedge shaped wonder: