I Kinda Love This Big Dumb Camaro SS

I finally had the chance to drive the 2020 Camaro SS, and I must report that even with this ridiculous wing, I kinda love this car. (Also, I may or may not have done a burnout. Or three.)

Gif: Ethan Tufts

As someone that tends to favor lighter, smaller vehicles with far fewer ponies than this 2020 Camaro SS, I honestly didn’t expect to like it. But there is something about 455 horsepower that quickly became hard to resist.

Illustration for article titled I Kinda Love This Big Dumb Camaro SS
Photo: Ethan Tufts

If you have a moment and want to check out my review and road test of this over-the-top Camaro SS, feel free to watch my new vid below. :)