Remember me? I'm still (somewhat) alive, Oppo. I'm sorry to see you go.

That’s me, about to oversteer a little too much
That’s me, about to oversteer a little too much
Photo: My buddy

I guess no one here remembers me anymore. Used to be VERY active here from 2011 (pre kinja) to late 2016.


Which is when my brain broke and depression just fucked me up. My dead end job and fucked up life finally had caught up and I took time off the internet and unfortunately I had to break my habit of refreshing Oppo every five minutes.

A lot of things happened since then. I’ve been recovering from depression, got into a new job, got divorced, bought an E39 BMW with a manual and now live alone with two cats, a bunch of plants and an old BMW. And I have never felt better in my whole life.


It’s weird. This place used to be a huge part of my life and I just put it aside when my brain broke and I wasn’t able to come back because this place brought me weird feelings from the height of my depression. It’s not Oppo’s fault. It’s mine. And I’m sorry for leaving this place because this community is one of the best things that happened to me, keeping the bad thoughts aside during the worst times of my life. It was easy pretending things were alright when I could just spend time here talking cars with y’all.

I lurked this place from time to time and I was glad to see a bunch of new faces, and sad to see most of the old faces fading away just like I did.


I hope Oppositelock finds a new home so its legacy can continue.

Thanks for the years of great content and great interaction with one of the best communities on the internet.



PS: Another very minor thing in my life. I finally accepted to be transgender and you can call me Melissa. Bye!