Cheap, Manual, Turbo Wagon?

Anyone besides me want this? If I didn’t have a car with a payment I’d be all over this. A 98 V70 with a laundry list of mods and maintenance done within the last 40k miles. Ad claims 285hp and that’s believable from what I know about these, my brother had a similarly modded 850 Wagon. It was a blast.

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here is said list

Illustration for article titled Cheap, Manual, Turbo Wagon?

Interior is in “okay” shape but this is a sub 4,000 dollar car.

Illustration for article titled Cheap, Manual, Turbo Wagon?

overall this seems to be a nice example of an enthusiast owned and cared for car. Provided it’s a rust free as it looks I’d say its a solid NP at 3800